Thursday, 30 June 2011

There's a rift in the space-time continuum - we're all doomed!

                                                                                                                                                                                           'You know, going back in time, changing history... that's cheating'. James T. Kirk
ps William Shatner (James T. Kirk the elder) is 80 years old!
pps There will be another Star Trek movie and it will be directed by J.J Abrams.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Happy Birthday Sonic!

I'm not that big into computer games - though there are a couple I occasionally try to conquer, mostly simple platform stuff, but when I saw this article it brought up a wave of nostalgia. The Sega Mega Drive was the first games console my son ever had and Sonic the Hedgehog was the first of many, many, many games, bought, traded or swapped over the years. In fact I think he has owned nearly every console that has been manufactured since then, the Wii is currently hiding behind my sofa, the Dreamcast is still residing under my bed - I think it still works, though the Mega Drive died a long time ago (but I still haven't the heart to consign it to the recycle bin!). When I  think of the many Christmases and birthdays I spent hunting for games, pounding the streets and visiting every outlet for that one must-have game - oh the stress of it!  Now every time I go to visit my son he has a new gadget to show me - the most recent acquisition is some kind of Tablet. Over the years I have learned lots of techie stuff from him (through osmosis mostly), and it all started with the little blue hedgehog who is 20 years old today.

BTW the last line of this article is an absolute killer !!!!

Friday, 17 June 2011

For all you coffee lovers out there...

15 Things Worth Knowing about Coffee

Sign up here...

Anyone want to take part in a world wide online library conference?  Library 2.011 Worldwide Virtual Conference will take place in early November. The organisers would like to encourage international participation and are also looking for ideas for presentations, check it out, it might be interesting.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

'We Have Serious Librarians'

The Emperor of E Block gave me the hard copy of this cartoon a wee while ago and I have been trying to locate the online version since then, so that everyone could have a go on have a know you want to!

Pearls before Swine

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Keeping up with Google

Me stressing out!!!!

Blink and something changes or improves, depending on which way you look at it...Google are adding voice and image searching to Google Chrome, Phew! I don't think I can keep up with all this!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Paleozoic Internet

If you enjoyed  the  'Secret History of Social Networking' podcasts a couple of weeks ago on the 23Things@SPD blog, you may enjoy these as well.
The first,'The Paleozoic Internet' is about the effort and difficulty of archiving the net. The second podcast is with the same archivist, who is now putting together a physical library as well as a virtual one 'An Internet Archivist Recommits to Books'. You can listen, download or read the transcripts of both of these articles/podcasts.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

There's an app for everything...

I don't have a smart phone (yet) so apps are still foreign territory to me, but Tesco's new  trolley sat-nav app sounds like fun, especially if you're shopping in one of their really big stores, like the new one in Balbriggan.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The future is in the iclouds.

The 23things@spd blog reported a couple of weeks ago about Google laptops for web based applications, now Apple have revealed their future is also in the icloud. Cloud computing is something I am still trying to get my head around!!!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Summer songs

Newkid got the ball rolling yesterday with a sunny summer song from the Kinks - so here is one on my favs, this brings back great memories of long hot summer days, family holidays, and of lying on the front lawn listening to my brothers' record player blaring out of the bedroom window  - happy days!

The power of technology...

I came across this story during the week, but I wasn't sure whether it was real or not, you know how these things go viral...anyway have a read and see what you think.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

New button

Did anybody notice when this appeared on their posts? Check the share buttons at the bottom of your posts - was this always there, or have I only just noticed it?

Pitseleh this is the 'like' button  you were looking for.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Google Privacy and Apple Clouds - techy stuff

                                              Google and Privacy who'ed have thought it!
     Apple are heading for the clouds!
                Twitter are flying the nest!