Friday 3 June 2011

The power of technology...

I came across this story during the week, but I wasn't sure whether it was real or not, you know how these things go viral...anyway have a read and see what you think.


  1. Gah! creepy! In so many ways! Kinda wish i had that installed on my stolen laptop which I never got around to replacing.

  2. A similar thing happened to Johnny when he lost his iPhone, he had some tracking thing on it, (sorry don't understand the technology) but he messaged the guy saying he was being tracked and the guy who stole it responded saying he was cleaning in a pub and had meant to drop it back in. He was freaked out that he could be pinned down.

    Watching someone use your laptop and delete your info, would be horrendous, I would be worried about what else they would get up to.


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