Thursday 23 June 2011

Happy Birthday Sonic!

I'm not that big into computer games - though there are a couple I occasionally try to conquer, mostly simple platform stuff, but when I saw this article it brought up a wave of nostalgia. The Sega Mega Drive was the first games console my son ever had and Sonic the Hedgehog was the first of many, many, many games, bought, traded or swapped over the years. In fact I think he has owned nearly every console that has been manufactured since then, the Wii is currently hiding behind my sofa, the Dreamcast is still residing under my bed - I think it still works, though the Mega Drive died a long time ago (but I still haven't the heart to consign it to the recycle bin!). When I  think of the many Christmases and birthdays I spent hunting for games, pounding the streets and visiting every outlet for that one must-have game - oh the stress of it!  Now every time I go to visit my son he has a new gadget to show me - the most recent acquisition is some kind of Tablet. Over the years I have learned lots of techie stuff from him (through osmosis mostly), and it all started with the little blue hedgehog who is 20 years old today.

BTW the last line of this article is an absolute killer !!!!


  1. heh heh imagine a Sonic the Hedgehog version of Waterworld

  2. OMG can't believe Sonic is 20, I must be getting old!
    I remember my little brother getting a Sega Master System one Christmas(which was a crap version of the Mega Drive, but Mega Drive was sold out). It was the first games console/PC in our house and Sonic was the first game we all played. We used to bribe my brother for a go on it, and my parents were afraid we'd get addicted to gaming so we were only allowed to play for an hour a day, which with 6 kids didn't go far! Funny thinking back.. I was/and still am useless at computer games, but I too have a soft spot for the little blue spiky guy.
    Love your story of searching for games for your son, aww!


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