Thursday 2 June 2011

New button

Did anybody notice when this appeared on their posts? Check the share buttons at the bottom of your posts - was this always there, or have I only just noticed it?

Pitseleh this is the 'like' button  you were looking for.


  1. I did notice, just yesterday! but I was afraid to press it cos I think its connected to/shares to my email account! I thought I had mistakenly done some absent-minded connecting..nice to know other people have it too. Have you pressed it?:)

  2. I haven't used it yet either! We are very on the ball this was only released yesterday!!

  3. I feel oddly suspicious of the button :D

  4. yes i get a bit scared of those things too...i always imagine somebody with a massive file on me just printing out another page every time i say i 'like' something and adding it to the rest...

  5. ooh dont like this, just tentatively pressed it and it wanted to share that my real name liked the item all across the web and with ads and stuff...I backed out.

  6. You can remove it, it tells you how to here
    I use the 'like' facility on facebook alot, but it's just a lazy way of acknowledging something without commenting, come to think of it, it's fierce lazy!!

  7. I just don't like it when things appear without warning or any explanation of what they are for or what they are meant to do - I need a warning folks or I get suspicious!


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