Saturday, 15 October 2011

The last few things...finally!

I have been working on this post for the last few days now...finding it very difficult to wrap up the last few things! So here we go...

Thing 18 Ebooks.
There are lot of statistics relating to ebook purchase/usage out there, but on the home front, it can be difficult to persuade the students to use them, we can tell them the advantages, but still some people like to have the physical copy and until we stop having both formats available I don't think that's not going to change too soon!

On a personal note I bought an online book about 3 or 4 years ago and never actually read it! It's still sitting in a folder on my desktop somewhere, I have tried to open it a couple to times recently, but I no longer have the correct programme, I also tried to save it onto a memory card so that I could try opening it up at home on my laptop - but no go. I think it was probably licensed for a certain period of time and then died away! Obviously wasn't a good read!

Thing 19 iTunes University.

I checked this out and it is overwhelming how much is on there, too much, I can't decide what to download/listen to. As a tool I think it is amazing, again there would have to be a lot more liaising with academic staff etc. Just think, lecturers could record their lectures for students to view/listen to whenever they wanted and then use the lecture time to discuss and debate the lecture topic!

 Google Books.
I have used Google books as a resource more than once, say if we don't hold something in the library, you can often check out the index or chapter titles to see if it is something worth using for your research - and then you can order it via inter library loan. Amazon is also quite handy for checking index/chapter titles as well! Check out Googles ebook store

Thing 20 Cloud Computing.
When we first looked at this I really couldn't get my head around it! Now I've done a bit of reading around it I understand it a lot better, and it actually makes a lot of sense! I used Google Docs for some of my assignments for college, it was really handy to be able to open it up where ever and whenever  I wanted, save and go, it never really occurred to me to wonder where it was being saved, but now I know. Again my concern would be be around  the safety and security of your information, can it be guaranteed up in the clouds?

Thing 21 Google Maps.
I haven't really used Google Maps much, I never really go anywhere different (aaahhhh!!!), but my daughter was heading of to Barcelona  recently and Google Maps and Streetview really came into its own, having never been there before she was able to use various building as landmarks on Streetview to know where  to go, and what directions to take to get back to their hotel. I think being able to upload your own photographs is quite cool as well.

Thing 22 Image Generators
I really did Smurf myself but pretty much decided that nobody else need to hear the result! So I did  a morphy picture thingy instead - see the widget to the right.

Thing 23 Scribblar.
 Alrighty then, scrabbled around in scribblar until I was all scribbled out! I can see this being very useful to a group of users that are not located as geographically close to each other as we are here in the library!

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