Friday 29 April 2011

Journals, Journals Everywhere!

This is a fantastic resource, Journals TOCs has the largest collection of Table of Contents (TOCs) anywhere, including a large number of Open Access journals - check it out, registration is free.


  1. hi anonymous librarian! i tried out journalsTOCS - it's great and i think something that would be really useful for researchers. i noticed on the site a lot of the 'most followed' journals are library ones...i suppose that's good in one way but i think it's a pity it's not being more broadly used by researchers in other fields...maybe it's up to us librarians to spread the word...

  2. Maybe we should link it on the library website, or mention it on the journals page?

  3. good idea...ehh...i'll ask that guy who does the website...there is another one called ticTOCS which i've used, it's good was on our library blog before...

    i think stuff like RSS can seem much harder than it is...if we showed our researchers through the basics of it i think some of them would love it...


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