Friday, 26 August 2011


This is my WOW picture of the day! This is not just one shot, it is multiple shots digitally stitched together...again WOW!

Photo courtesy of Juan Carlos Casado/TWAN. Juan Carlos is the coordinator of the tierra y estrellas /starry earth project 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Space the Final Frontier

As it is coming up to the 45th anniversary of Star Trek TOS, and as I haven't checked out the NASA website since the final Space Shuttle landing, I thought I would go a bit spacey again today, this video of Hurricane Irene is amazing, it was taken from the ISS. 

And here is something taken from NASAs image of the day series, this was captured by the Hubble Telescope, I think it is just spectacular!


Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Tuesday morning musings...

First of all, let me tell you I have discovered the beauty of a Google Calendar!

Second of all, let me tell you this morning I realised that summer is well and truly over.

It wasn't the chill in the air as I was waiting at the bus stop, though, it was chilly.

It wasn't the leaves starting to fall off the trees, though, they are falling.

It was the sight of a very nervous 11/12/13year old (roughly) boy heading off to his first day in secondary school in his brand new uniform. The trousers were about six inches too long and and he desperately needed a belt to help keep them up. The sleeves of the jumper were also about six inches too long and he had a hard time locating his hands when trying to grip the hand rail going up the stairs. His bag was too big and heavy and his shoes and hair were just so, so, shiny.

Obviously the uniform was bought to last until he leaves school!!

I'll give the shiny new uniform and shoes a couple of weeks...

But you know what the first sighting of the school uniform more pleasant, quiet, comfortable, quick journeys into work.

The TRAFFIC is back aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Just another normal Friday...

Today started off like any other Friday, I woke up eager to get into work, as usual, had brekkie, as usual, did all the normal ablutions, as usual, and headed off for the bus, as usual. Those readers who know me, know I have to get two buses into work, it's not that I live that far away, it's just that there is no direct bus service from my A to my B.

Anyway that's by the by, this morning on my second bus journey I saw a rare sight indeed. Something I haven't seen for a long time, if fact I can't remember the last time I saw a thing like this on the Northside of Dublin (I can't speak for the Southside as I rarely venture over that way myself).

At first I wasn't sure of what I was seeing, this rare creature alighted from a packed and heaving 41A bus and hovered around the bus-stop, kinda nervous like, maybe this rarely seen bearded sight was self-conscious, as it was clearly out of it's natural habitat.

The 41A was full, so I decided that as I was actually early for work this morning, I would wait for the next bus and so I saw what happened next. The bearded rarely seen sight then hopped into a little blue car that had pulled up at the bus-stop and drove off in it.  At this stage I wasn't really paying that much attention because I had taken up 'my waiting for the bus' stance and zoned out. I only come of out of this fugue when another bus approaches which happened to be the 41C. It was half empty which always indicates to me that it is going to be a nice pleasant journey into work, but, boy, was I wrong!

I love the summers in Dublin, it's not because of the weather, or the people, or even the place, its because of the TRAFFIC. There is always much less traffic in town in the summer and my two-bus-taking-journey-into-work usually only takes about 20 minutes, in comparison to 60-90 minutes at any other time of the (school) year!

This morning was no exception, the bus sped along and quickly caught up with the aforementioned 41A, and lo and behold, there was the little blue car trailing along behind it. Now as the traffic was almost non-existent the little blue car had plenty of opportunity to over take the bus (and get out of the bus lane) and be on its merry way, but it didn't, so my curiosity was piqued and I started paying attention and imagining all sorts of scenarios!

We journeyed over the bridge and down the slip road, where my bus pulled up short of the bus-stop to pick up 'a running for the bus person'. As we pulled away a ghostly voice came over the bus radio praising the driver for stopping and picking up this person, the voice said "that makes all difference to someone, stopping like that and picking them up, especially if they are on their way to work, you did a great job there, well done, you have given people a great impression of Dublin Bus and the service we provide." I kid you not! This may not be word for word, but you get the gist of it. This is a rare thing in itself, a Dublin bus driver being praised for anything! He was very surprised and even started smiling!!!

But who made that observation, especially so quickly? I thought it must have been one of the drivers of either the bus in front (41A) or the one behind (16), so maybe it was meant sarcastically! Then I thought, maybe it came from the little blue car, I mean, the people in the little blue car of course (it did have rather a big aerial). See, I told you I started imagining all sorts of stuff.

Well, anyway we journeyed on to the second next stop (there were no people to pick up at the next stop) and I noticed that the little blue car had finally overtaken the bus, but had now pulled over (again in the bus lane) in front of the heaving full 41A. To my astonishment, three of the rarely seen sights emerged from the little blue car and approached the two buses at the stop.

The first bearded rarely seen sight had a quick look inside the 41A, (oops sorry forgot to say that there were now two bearded rarely seen sights, the third rarely seen sight was not bearded, but was in fact quite attractive). Anyhow, they had a quick peek into the heaving 41A and then made their way onto my 41C bus, which was now quite full, but not yet heaving; and I started getting nervous. I thought, oh! this is not good, not good at all, three of them together, at once, on the same bus, be afraid, be very afraid!

So, you ask, what are these rarely seen sights that I am talking about, why would three of them together put me in a state of nervousness and apprehension, well...I mean to say...have you not guessed yet?

They were a variety of the rarely seen and even lesser known.


That's right folks, three ticket inspectors got on the bus this morning and proceeded to check everyones tickets, and for the first time ever, the guy actually looked at my ID, and then me, and then nodded in acknowledgment that it was indeed actually me.  Some poor unsuspecting girl behind me had her ticket confiscated because she wasn't carrying her Dublin Bus ID, and therefore could not possibly have been her, and the non-bearded (quite attractive) inspector was quite happily giving out pink fine slips to beat the band!!

So be warned!!

Oh, and by the way, I was right, the ghostly voice did come from the little blue car...please don't ask me how I know.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Smart phones and Things

Ok, as those of you that regularly read my blog know, I recently acquired a smart phone, and I am in awe of all it can do, or rather all that I can do with it! Mind you, I'm still learning how to use it but...maybe, someday, I will be able to do something like this with my phone.

There are no un-creepy photos of this guy!
 I'm playing catch-up at the moment, so I will get back to you on Things 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23...oh! that's a lot of Things, I must get reading...time to put Stephen down I think!!!!!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Be the change you want to see

This is a really good post from Meredith Farkas on the blog Information Wants to be Free, check it out and see what you think.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Stand By Me. A Classic.

 The movie Stand By Me is twenty five years old this year (actually it was released 25years ago yesterday 8th August) and can now be considered a classic. I loved this movie when it came out and still do! Everything about it reminds me of my own childhood, the hot summers, the lazy days, the music...

I grew up in the country and yes, of course,  looking back the summers were longer and hotter; we used to burst the tar bubbles on the road with our bare feet! (it drove my Mum mad trying to scrub it off),  it never rained, and life was just so uncomplicated.

I remember packing my jam sarnies in a bag, loading my cat into the basket on my bike and heading off into the woods for adventures, didn't find any dead bodies, though, there was a murder committed not far from where we lived! I'd be gone all day and trail home very dirty, very tired, usually missing my shoes, my cardigan, and/or the cat!

Wil Wheaton (Gordie Lechance) did a radio interview recently about the movie, and also check out Wils' blog where he writes very movingly about the movie and its young stars, and how life, in this case, has imitated art.

Wil has gone to become a writer, much like his character Gordie; River Phoenix died when he was 23 (his character Chris Chambers also died young); Corey Feldmen (Teddy Duchamp) has fought his own demons; and here's Jerry O'Connell (Vern) talking about the movie, how many of you realised  that this is guy that played Vern?

You probably all know that the film was based a Stephen King short story called The Body, I'm not gone on some of Stephen Kings newer stuff, but I have always enjoyed his short stories. All this came about because I am reading Full Dark, No Stars.